The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is set to introduce tighter restrictions regarding the use of bisphenols in manufactured goods. Of specific relevance to Stahl customers are the anticipated new detection limits for bisphenol S (BPS) and bisphenol F (BPF). These substances are currently used in the manufacture of certain leather articles.
This will lead to the effective elimination of BPS and BPF from the European leather value chain by the end of the current decade.
Specifically, we believe this will involve a 500-ppm detection limit for bisphenols in leather chemicals and leather articles, effective from mid-2025. This is likely to be followed by a 10-ppm detection limit around 2030.
At Stahl, we are in the process of adjusting the existing portfolio to comply with the expected 2025 and 2030 limits. This will be achieved through a combination of developing viable alternatives, converting existing products and introducing new technologies, to have a high-quality ECHA-compliant product portfolio readily available before the restrictions come into effect. Paired with a rigorous internal testing process before and after a launch.
These product solutions will be brought into circulation over the coming months and year.